Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hamlet and Ophelia

I do not think that Hamlet ever actually loved Ophelia. I think he lusted after her and wished that he loved her, but he never really did. In the letters Hamlet wrote to her, he said he loved her and his intentions were true, but he never said why he loved her or what made him fall in love with her. He was never about a relationship with her or even about putting thought into what he said in her letters. Hamlet thought a lot about getting back at Claudius and how he was going to get revenge but he did not put much thought into Ophelia's letter in Act 2, scene 2. As Laertes said, I think Hamlet's thoughts were more toward sexually reasons and more wishing he was able to love her. He might have been using Ophelia to try and escape his destination of having someone chose who he shall marry because of his position in the kingdom.

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