Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Affected me personally?

Romantic movies have affected me the most in dealing with hyper reality. The first movie is “A Cinderella Story” with Chad Michael Murray, and in this movie he runs after the girl he has his eye on, looks her in the eye and says, “Something I should have done a long time ago” when she asked him what he is doing and then moves in to kiss her. This scene makes me believe or want to believe that all fights in a relationship will work itself out without having to communicate with the other person. It also makes me believe that the perfect man would chase after his girlfriend no matter what the circumstances, when obviously that is not true, but it happens in this movie, as well as many others. A second movie that has affected me personally is “A Walk to Remember” with Shane West and Mandy Moore. In this movie, Mandy Moore asks Shane West to promise that he “will not fall in love with her,” and in the end, he falls in love with her, of course. This quote makes me believe that men will change for the person that they love, that they will do whatever it takes to be with you, and change whatever actions you do not like. It also makes me believe that love can conquer all problems, no matter how big or small they are.

“A Cinderella Story”
“A Walk to Remember”

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I believe the hyper reality affects the American perspective of love and relationships by making things appear to be totally different then they actually are. One example of this is a “model picture in a magazine that has been touched up by a computer.” Having these beautiful women in magazines often brings across the image that all women should look like them with no flaws, when in reality, the models on that page do not even look as good as they are portrayed. Both men and women often compare their partners looks to magazines and fantasize that they would look like them, but that is impossible because not even the models themselves look like that. Another example is the reality television shows we have airing on the network today such as the Real World and Newport Harbor. On the Real World, they portray relationships between each other as constantly fighting and talking behind each other’s back which does happen sometimes but not all the time. On Newport Harbor they express love as going out a couple times and then they fall in love and it is that simple, which it is not that simple at all. I believe that hyper reality has affected the way we perceive relationships between people and love in general.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Postmodern vs. Christianity

I think that as Christians we do not really need to make a huge deal about the postmodern era. I believe that we should reject the beliefs that the Postmodernisms put into practice that does not fit into our Christianity worldview or our beliefs about Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us to live in this world but not conform to it, which I fully believe in. However, not everything about postmodernism is bad. I believe that life is chaotic and challanging and we should celebrate the chaos and take a look at all the order and disorder in our lives. I also believe as Christians, that we need to understand other religions and beliefs, such as postmodernism, so we will have a better ability to discuss with them the untruths of their beliefs.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Captain Jack Sparrow

Captain Jack Sparrow is postmodern because he can create any situation he is involved in and turn it into something funny. Also, postmodernism is chaotic and so is Jack Sparrow. He never knows exactly what he is doing and just decides to do something at the last minute. Jack Sparrow does not care about anything because he is just excepting of his own fate and everyone elses.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Why End On A Boat?

I think R and G's death ended on a boat because they had no purpose in life and when you are at sea you are nowhere. You are not at a certain point or in a certain country, you are just in the middle of nowhere. They were trying to find a purpose in their life but instead they end up dying in the middle of the sea. They were not important enough to wait to kill them until they reached England so people could watch, instead they were just hung on a boat with just some of the seamen watching. They had no destination and no purpose in life so the same with their death.

Friday, January 11, 2008


For the ant project thing, I went to my great aunt's assistant living home for dinner. I am kinda scared of old people and like having converations with them especially those at my aunts home because most of them are sick and are mentally unstable. So before dinner I asked my aunt if we could sit by some other people and we did. We chatted with two old couples that my aunt knew and it was pretty entertaining. I asked them some questions and they asked me a ton of questions, like seriously I answered about 300 questions, they were pretty full of curiousity. They were surprised to see me having dinner with my aunt just for the fun of it, I often am eating with my aunt there, and were very happy that they got the opportunity to meet me and talk with me after seeing me there so many times before. They each had wonderful life experiences that I got the chance to know about and that really opened my eyes to some things in my life which was great!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Approval or Disapproval?

I do not think that Horatio really cares either way. They were not his friends; he only knew them through Hamlet so he really did not have a close bond with them. Horatio does know that the two men betrayed Hamlet but that did not deal with him very much. I do not think Horatio approved or disapproved of the death of Rosencratz and Guildenstein.